UK : After numerous tutorials and step-by-step instructions, here’s a more general article. The aim is to take stock of the brands and types of paint available on the market, as well as their advantages and shortcomings. This article is aimed above all at novices and newcomers to the field, even if a general recap [...]

Flower knight : Following inspiration/ Suivre l’inspiration  UK : My desire to paint this character from the Kingdom Death range came from looking at the superb original illustration of him. Without going back over its superb design, it’s the atmosphere that emanates from this illustration that really appealed to me. More than that, it was [...]

Foreword/Avant-propos  UK : This piece was made for the Painting Crusade 12, the sadly gone belgian contest. The idea was to create a sort of deity representing ‘Mother Nature’, contemplating the remains of Humanity on a desolate soil, and under the protection of its guardian. Who knows what can happen to her ? Why is [...]

The need for a muse/Du besoin d’une muse  UK : The Greatest Enemy is a diorama I first presented at the English Golden Demon “Enemy of the Imperium”. The most difficult part of this type of competition is to find the theme and the way to represent it. This is the difficulty I will have [...]

UK TEXT : Nikita is a commission I made for Warforge, a french company that proposes pretty lovely Sci-Fi female characters. The sculpt is from Gauthier Giroud, aka Graphigaut. ———————– TEXTE FR : Nikita est une figurine dont j’ai réalisé la peinture studio pour Warforge, une société française proposant de bien jolis personnages féminins, liés [...]

UK TEXT : This piece is a particular commission. The customer wanted something very particular : “I want you to make a Space Wolf Terminator, but you can do what you want”… Basically I was free from start to finish. This is not pretty common, but when it arrives, it’s just pure pleasure for a [...]

Lisbeth : Step by Step

Lisbeth : Step by Step

(UK & FR versions) Pas à pas, Step by step - Le 15 juillet 2014

UK TEXT : I started this miniature during a Masterclass in Lyon. During the class, differents subjects were saw, like the painting of the clothes, the face/skin, eyes, the mask, weathering, and a lot about color and lighting theories, etc. I’ll come back on some points, and of course, will develop the rest. ———————– TEXTE [...]

Cet article de peinture devance (mais fait en réalité suite), à la chronique sur le retour d’un peintre vers les tables de jeux (publication à venir). Qui dit jeux, dit figurines. Et qui dit figurines, dit peinture. Il m’a fallu réfléchir à la manière de peindre cette première pièce, entre choix des couleurs, niveau des [...]

Ce tutoriel a pour valeur de faire un petit rappel des points essentiels concernant la peinture d’un visage féminin. On oublie la trousse de maquillage vulgaire de deux tonnes, il va falloir jouer dans la subtilité. Let’s go Quand il s’agit de peindre un visage du beau sexe, il est préférable d’éviter les contrastes trop [...]

This is a chronicle published in the US Ravage #8. At the time, only rumours of french and Spanish GD cancellation were current. Since this time, these ones have been officially cancelled. And for 2014, we’re are actually speaking about the only survival of UK Games Day. Times are changing, but these are the lines [...]

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