Hi everybody !
I think a large part of the non-french visitors of this website have noticed the “translated section”.
But, if it was not the case, this little news is just what you need !
In fact, I’m trying to upload more and more articles in the Shakespeare’s language. And also in spanish or german when I can !
To find them, if they are not on the main page, the technic is simple.
1) Move your mouse to the “Articles” section :
2) And just click on the “Translated” section.
3) And it’s done. You’re now on the translated section of the website, where all the spanish, english, and (I hope to have some of them one day) german tutorials are uploaded !
I hope you’ll have some happy reading time !
By the way, you can also read on that page the new tutorials about how making rocks, that I have upload today !
Hey, Julien!
I made some advertizing for you on my blog! I love your blog – and in particular the way you made these rocks! I always say: “The secret is banging the rocks together, guys!”
Share and Enjoy!
Crazy German Miniature Dude
who did not go to GD France
because of some Revolution!
Hi Michael, Thanks for the sharing !
I’m also starting to think about making somes reviews about others website/Blog from others painters etc.. Like you do or like Volomir do with is monthly list.
So much to write, and so few times for it
But happy to see that publish in English is appreciate. I’ll have to do it more and more !!